During WWII, Imperial Japan established military brothels known as “comfort stations” in the Pacific region as their military campaign intensified. Many young women from Korea, China, the Philippines, and other parts of Asia as well as the Netherlands and Australia—some as young as thirteen—were forced or duped into sexual enslavement, serving the Japanese soldiers as “comfort women.” Many of these women died or were killed before they actually had a chance to live as women. Meanwhile, survivors of the harrowing militarized sexual enslavement wound up being shrouded in a profound sense of shame and guilt, living in the shadows of their former selves, resulting in an understated tragedy of the war that even today remains an unfamiliar war story to many.    

Inspired by this true historical event, BREAKING THE SILENCE tells the story of Francesca (Grace Shen), who is finally coming to terms with her past after forty years by breaking her silence about being forced to work as a “comfort woman.” Starring Grace Shen (This Is Us, Grey’s Anatomy), Rumi Oyama (Running for Grace) and Grace Chim (Neighbours), the film was written and directed by award-winning filmmaker, Seayoon Jeong.

“For its 27 minutes, Breaking the Silence showcases captivating filmmaking in exploring the reality of ‘comfort stations’ and its victims but also briefly the fight to have these atrocities recognised and condemned as war crimes.” – UK Film Review

 “Breaking the Silence” is a brutally sad film, and I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen…a fantastic short film that really knew how to push my emotional buttons.” – Indyred

“For a film under a half hour, and micro-budget to boot, Breaking the Silence is a whollop of information, and a great companion piece to other educational world war two movies and documentaries.” 22 Indie Street

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